



Inspired by the endless wisdom, beauty and innate creativity of the natural realm

Medicine Ethereal is inspired by my life long connection to the natural realm, and my calling of helping people to heal themselves. It is an accumulation of all I have learned through herbal programs, courses, extensive self-study and experimenting. My experiences very much shape what I do, as everyday brings a new perspective and with it constant evolution. My understanding could not have been so deep if I did not encounter emotional turmoil and confusion myself, and learned from the plant allies that helped and continue to assist me through these life situations of losing myself, and then finding myself over and over again.


I am also immensely sparked by my 5-year-old daughter’s natural curiosity and love for plant life. I often catch her whispering to the plants, offering them stones and crystals, using them for tea or to feed her dolls, watering them when they seem weepy. Her intuitive wisdom and connection to nature inspires me and feeds my soul and my passion.


I continue to be fascinated and awe-struck by the ways in which plants communicate with us, calling to us when we need them most. I work with many herbs that I grow at home with my husband and three children; I also mindfully wildcraft, and source others from certified organic companies.


My process includes always checking in with the plants, listening to their calling and enthusiasm to help, observing whom they want to be paired with and for what discomfort or illness. When harvesting I offer songs, my heart and my breath. When creating medicine I create in prayer and manta, often by candlelight, mesmerized by the plants' energies and magic. The ritual of orchestrating herbs into medicine itself is ever-healing to my soul, and brings me deep contentment and certainty that I am on the right path.


The medicine I offer here is not only physical, but Medicine Ethereal; medicine of that which cannot be seen, medicine to body and to the soul. Medicine for the underlying emotions which are the cause of the disease. Medicine that works with our vibration and our intentions, and then manifests as physical resilience.

Thank you for stopping by and supporting my work. May the plant’s songs bless your heart and ease your worries, aiding you in remembering why you are here.